Free Tax Assistance

Next: Monday, February 10, 2025

Runs until Friday, April 11, 2025 (See all dates)

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Senior Citizens Council of Clinton County , Plattsburgh, NY, 12901

AARP Foundation offers free tax preparation by IRS certified volunteers. Service is open to senior citizens, families and individuals; membership not required.

Service is by appointment only at the Senior Citizens Council of Clinton County, 5139 North Catherine Street, Plattsburgh. Beginning Monday, January 20, taxpayers can call 518.314.9762 to leave a voice mail with their name and phone number, or email with their name and phone number. Foundation volunteers then contact taxpayers to arrange appointments with an IRS certified tax preparer. Appointments usually take about two hours.


Senior Citizens Council of Clinton County
5139 North Catherine Street
Plattsburgh, NY

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The event runs from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM on the following dates.
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Coming Up

  • Absolute 80's with Nina Blackwood

    9:00pm - Midnight

    No one knows the ’80s like Nina! She helped set the musical tastes and trends that are being celebrated today!

  • Dick Summer

    Midnight - 1:00am

    Join the award-winning Dick Summer for "Good Night." He'll share a couple of stories to help you unwind.
