Ongoing Blood & Plasma Donation - Adirondack Regional Blood Center - Plattsburgh

Runs until Monday, January 6, 2025 (See all dates)

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Adirondack Regional Blood Center, Plattsburgh, NY, 12901

In the month of October, donate blood with the Adirondack Regional Blood Center for your chance to win a $50 Target Gift Card!

The Regional Blood Donor Center is coordinated by The UVM Health Network - Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, and relies on the generosity of people like you.

The blood we collect - at the Blood Donor Center and at blood drives throughout the region - provides more than 95% of the blood used at CVPH and is used to supply other hospitals in Elizabethtown, Malone, Massena, Saranac Lake and Glens Falls.

More Information (106.3 NBZ-FM is not responsible for external websites)

Our Commitment to Safety

  • Our staff is committed to safety - for our donors and recipients of the blood:
  • We're accredited by the AABB, the national accrediting agency that oversees blood banking.  
  • The blood and blood products processed by the North Country Regional Blood Center meet or exceed all national standards for safety and quality.
  • The pre-screening questions and standards that our donors must adhere to, the policies and protocols used in collecting the donations and the testing and processing carried out prior to making the blood available are the same as adhered to by the American Red Cross and other accredited programs. 

Blood Donor Facts

  • The Adirondack Regional Blood Center draws from nearly 9,000 donors on average per year.
  • As of 2014, 15 whole blood donors have over 100 donations.  Of this group, ages range from 40-75, with one individual donating 183 times (that's almost 23 gallons of blood).
  • Volunteer donors provide nearly all blood used for transfusions in the United States.  The donors' body replenishes the fluid lost from donation in 24 hours.  It can take up to two months to replace the lost red blood cells. 
  • Whole blood can be donated once every eight weeks.
  • Platelet products can be donated through a process called apheresis.
  • Anyone in good general health, over 16 years old  and meeting criteria, may donate blood.


Convalescent Plasma

Convalescent plasma, donated by those who have had COVID-19, is used as a treatment to help other people fight the virus. When administered early enough, it can significantly cut the risk of hospitalization. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized convalescent plasma therapy for those with COVID-19 in 2020.

The treatment relies on antibodies that are found in the blood of COVID-19 survivors. These antibodies, which attack the virus, are in the liquid portion of blood known as plasma. During a special blood donation process, that plasma – rich with antibodies – can be collected.

While anyone who has had COVID-19 will have antibodies, a certain level of them must be present for convalescent plasma therapy to be effective. Generally, people who were hospitalized as a result of the virus are more likely to have the appropriate amount of antibodies, though it’s also possible for people who had mild cases to have enough.

Interested donors must be symptom free of COVID-19 for at least 14 day and meet all other blood donation requirements. At this time, we cannot accept convalescent plasma donations from anyone who has been vaccinated against COVID-19, though plasma and red cell donations can still be beneficial for other patients in our region.

Donating convalescent plasma at the Adirondack Region Blood Center is free. It takes about 30 minutes, so appointments are required. For more information, contact the Center at (518) 562-7406.

Save lives. Donate blood


Adirondack Regional Blood Center
85 Plaza Boulevard
Plattsburgh, NY

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The event runs from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM on the following dates.
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